If you run a small team of just 5 employees/co-founders…
Your weekly meetings are likely costing you well north of 50k/year.
Simple math…
… average hourly rate x number of people x 52.
That’s how much you’re spending to run your weekly meeting.
If the most productive thing that comes out of it is a self-portrait of your front-end designer sketched in an intense bout of boredom…
… then these meetings are crushing your company.
And it’s not that hypothetical front-end designer’s fault.
It’s on you as the leader to design your meetings so that they’re highly focused and optimized for growth.
In this week’s video, I show you the 5 steps for maximizing the ROI on the 50k/year investment you didn’t even know you were making.
Exclusive Download: The Weekly Sync™ – Run Your Weekly Team Meetings Following This Structure Easy, Fast & Productive
At a high level, here’s what a highly productive meeting comes down to:
- Time to celebrate
- Measure to manage
- Focus on the few
- The obstacle is the way
- Give it a score
While all of them are critical to maximizing your ROI… number 4 is the hallmark of every successful B2B SaaS company I know.
(shoutout to Ryan Holiday)
Essentially, if you use your meetings to address and pre-empt the biggest and scariest obstacles in your path to growth, you set the stage to come together and blast through them as a team.
Nothing unites a team faster while building a winning culture than overcoming challenges that your competitors would likely back down from.
Do that 52x/year and you have a recipe for some serious, compounded growth.
Give this episode a quick watch and then drop me a comment letting me know 1) how many team members you manage and 2) what you do to keep everyone dialed in and excited to grow.