SaaS Academy Program

Coaching Team


Executive Coaches

Executive Coaches help you build the rhythm and momentum of stacking growth, one strategy and tactic at a time.

Tracy Thibodeau
Tracy Thibodeau is an Executive Coach at SaaS Academy with over 14 years of leadership experience in a $70 million SaaS ecosystem. As Fractional COO of a B2B SaaS startup, she stays connected to scaling SaaS businesses. Tracy has driven strategic partnerships with top brands and has a passion for technology and people management. She founded her first company in 2001 and has since held senior leadership roles, leading change and developing high-performing teams.
Julien Marzouk
Meet Julien, an Executive Coach at SaaS Academy with over two decades of experience driving business growth for founders. Specializing in GTM strategy, marketing, and leadership, he has honed his expertise at top consulting firms such as Advention (a Bain Consulting spin-off) and Lazare Consulting. Julien is also a co-founder of Kinesis Partners, a New York-based growth strategy practice recognized as a go-to player for any European SaaS companies seeking rapid growth in the US.
Ryan Engley
Ryan is an accomplished executive coach with 13 years experience leading through startup, scale up, and acquisition in high-growth SaaS. In roles including SVP, Customer Success, and VP, Product Marketing, Ryan was pivotal in scaling Unbounce to $37M in revenue and 250 employees distributed around the world. Since 2022, Ryan has coached 100+ leaders and SaaS founders to grow their startups and themselves.

Account Managers

Every founder and their teams have a dedicated Account Manager.  

Amber Kohli
Amber holds degrees in both Health Sciences and Nursing and has excelled as a Nurse and Client Facing Account Manager. Known for her exceptional team management, customer service, and critical thinking, she thrives in fast-paced environments and values organized tasks. Having been at SaaS Academy for a number of years, she is well versed in Support and Customer Success. Avid reader, Amber enjoys winding down by exploring bookstores with a warm latte.
Iren (Ren) Frasheri
Ren is thrilled to support and encourage clients toward their goals. With a background in Social Work and Holistic Nutrition, she understands the importance of communication, accountability, and uplifting others. Clarity on your "why" is key to pushing forward. Ren is here to listen and cheer you on as you achieve your goals! Personally, Ren loves outdoor activities, enjoying good food with great company, and catching sunsets during the brief Canadian summers.

Community Experts

Our Community Experts are founders just like you. They have successfully gone through our programs and have joined us to provide insight when you get stuck or need help implementing a framework.

Johnny Page
Johnny's professional journey is marked by his commitment to pushing businesses beyond their comfort zones for outstanding growth. Inspired by John D. Rockefeller's philosophy, Johnny's dynamic approach has reshaped the competitive SaaS landscape. Starting at Bomar Security and rising to Chief Executive Officer at SaaS Academy, his leadership at Silvertrac and Trackforce Valiant showcases his expertise in customer success, sales, and strategic operations. Known for harmonizing post-merger integrations and enhancing customer experiences, Johnny has driven significant revenue growth throughout his career.
Marcel Petitpas
Marcel is a seasoned entrepreneur who has scaled multi-year events. With over 400 coaching calls at SaaS Academy, he clarifies sales and marketing strategies, website copy, and positioning. As Fractional COO at Gold Front, he works with brands like Uber, Nike, and Google. Marcel also runs Parakeeto (Dan is on the board of directors), helping marketing agencies improve profitability, with expertise in Sales, Marketing and Account Management working for companies like Apple.
Kyle Vamvouris
Kyle is a B2B Growth expert, author, and founder of Vouris, specializing in data-driven strategies for improving sales in B2B SaaS companies. He authored "Cold to Committed," "The Sales Development Framework," and "16 Steps to Repeatable Sales," offering essential sales insights. With hands-on experience with 70+ B2B SaaS companies, Kyle provides actionable expertise and has trained over 1000 sales reps for success in today's competitive environment.